
venerdì 21 luglio 2017

ANTEPRIMA: Defiance di Sloane Kennedy TheProtectors#9

Ciao a tutti, indovinate di che libro vi parlo oggi?
Ebbene si, torno a scrivere di Sloane Kennedy e della sua serie The Protectors ^_^
Oggi esce il 9° libro di questa serie che ormai per me è una garanzia e anche questa volta mi è stata data la possibilità di leggerlo in anteprima e per questo ringrazio immensamente l'autrice ^_^
Parliamo di Defiance.

La trama:

"All I ever wanted was to serve and protect my country. It ended up costing me everything …"

At 49, Vincent St. James has learned to live with the choices he’s made, even if he isn’t always proud of them. After the military decided his sexuality was more important than his impeccable service record, Vincent lost everything, including the man he’d planned to spend the rest of his life with.

And a man with nothing to live for has nothing to lose.

With a bone deep hatred of all things government, Vincent found another way to serve his country, but it too came at a steep cost that he never could have foreseen. Dealing in secrets and death means there’s always someone waiting around the next corner trying to either take his place or bury their secrets along with his body. Even if he wanted out, it’s far too late for that.

When he’s given the chance to help out a friend who once had his back when others didn’t, he jumps at the chance to repay the favor. Even if it means protecting the kind of man he despises most…a power-hungry politician looking to push his own agenda on an unsuspecting public.

"I made a terrible choice twelve years ago and it cost me the only person who ever really mattered to me. But maybe there’s another way I can make things right …"

30-year-old Nathan Wilder can’t take back the moment he betrayed his twin brother, but he can try to make sure that the legacy of hate that drove him to turn on Brody never has a chance to rear its ugly head again. And if that means going against his powerful father’s right-wing political constituency in a down and dirty race for a seat in the U.S. Senate, then so be it. But when the threats that had been limited to harmless emails start taking an uglier turn, culminating in a violent attack that leaves no doubt as to the assailant’s intent, Nathan is thrown into the direct path of a mysterious and dangerous man who may end up forcing Nathan to confront truths he just isn’t ready to face yet.

"Protecting him was supposed to be a favor for a friend and nothing more. Once he’s safe, I’ll let him go. I have to …"

Protecting Nathan was supposed to be a walk in the park for a guy like Vincent. But nothing about the younger man is what he’d been expecting, especially the long-dead feelings Nathan stirs in him.

The feelings that aren’t just about protection.

Which is a problem, because while the threat against Nathan is temporary, the danger that’s become a way of life for Vincent is just waiting for the next thing it can take from him. Caring about someone means painting a target on their back and Vincent is done losing people he loves.

But letting Nathan go may not be as easy at seems…especially when Nathan decides to finally stand up and fight for what…and who he truly wants.

I protagonisti di questo libro sono Vincent St. James e Nathan Wilder e non potrebbero essere più diversi ^_^
Vincent è un'affascinante cinquantenne che  abbiamo già conosciuto in Revelation perchè è corso in aiuto di Caine e Ethan; qui viene chiamato da Ronin e la famiglia Barretti per proteggere Nathan Wilder, il fratello gemello di uno dei compagni di Beck Barretti ( la sua storia la trovate in Finding Home).
Vincent accetta l'incarico per riconoscenza nei confronti della famiglia Barretti, altrimenti non si sarebbe mai occupatp di un politico; di lui sappiamo che è stato nell'esercito ma ne è uscito con disonore a causa della sua omosessualità, ed ecco spiegato il suo odio verso le cariche politiche.

Nathan sta correndo per la carica di senatore e da qualche mese riceve delle mail che minacciano lui e suo fratello gemello Brody; una sera torna a casa e viene aggredito e solo l'intervento tempestivo di Vincent lo salva.
Vincent, in modo poco diplomatico, porta Nathan nella sua casa sicura per proteggerlo e il ragazzo non può fare altro che accettare, perchè è spaventato per la sua vita, ma soprattutto per quella di suo fratello.
Nathan mi ha stretto il cuore: cresciuto in una bigotta famiglia repubblicana, fin da piccolo gli è stato inculcato che l'omosessualità è uno strumento del demonio e quando suo fratello Brody fa coming out, Nathan non lo accetta e lo allontana brutalmente. Per anni rimpiange il suo riprovevole comportamento ma non sa come riavvinicarsi e chiedere perdono.

"It said you'd burn in hell like your faggot brother."
Nathan closed his eyes and swallowed hard.
"Don't" he whispered.
"Don't what?" I asked.
"Don't use that word. Please".
I knew which word he was talking about, of course. What I didn't know was why it bothered him so much. Yeah, it was ugly and cruel, but it was reality. I'd been called that very word more times than I count, and I had no doubt Nathan's brother had too.
"It's just a word Nathan".
"It's not" he said harshly as he fisted his hands on his thighs. His reaction was over the top. I considered him for a moment before understanding dawned.
"You called him that, didn't you?" I asked gently.
"I can't" he whispered.....

Con Vincent non sa come comportarsi perchè ha negato per così tanto tempo la sua sessualità che a trent'anni suonati reagisce come un'adolescente all'attrazione e poi al tocco dell'uomo.

 "Lie to me, lie to your brother, lie to the whole goddamn world, but stop lying to your fucking self Nathan."
I due uomini, costretti a convivere dalle circostanze, impareranno a conoscersi e Nathan capirà cosa ha nascosto dentro di sè per tutto questo tempo.

Ogni volta che leggo un libro di questa autrice mi sono accorta che sottolineo sempre la stessa scena e cioè il primo bacio: ogni volta ho le farfalle nello stomaco perchè sono sempre di una bellezza e dolcezza struggente, sono liberatori e pieni di speranza.
Anche qui, il primo bacio tra Nathan e Vincent mi ha emozionato: Nathan scopre il tocco di un uomo e lo vive come una liberazione mentre Vincent ritrova quelle emozioni che credeva di aver perso per sempre.

 "I'm sorry" I said as I shook my head.
He tipped my head up, forcing me to look at him.
I felt like a foolish child instead of a grown man.
I shook my head again. No way I could tell him.
His lips brushed over mine tenderly. "Tell me" he urged.
I laughed as he held me there like that, and I knew he was going to strip me raw without even trying.
I didn't recognize my own voice as I whispered "I'ts like I can finally breathe"....

Sullo sfondo c'è la ricerca dello stalker di Nathan, per cui si muovono sia i  Protectors che i Barretti, a dimostrazione ulteriore che ormai qui è tutta una grande famiglia allargata ^_^

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